Palatine lied in wavered grand jury testimony. The mayor's brother got me to sign the waver, meeting supreme court justice Anne Burke, attorney general, Madigan and cook county states attorney Alvarez and Devine approval along with 5'500 plus others. This also met State senator's Durbin, Obama and Burris approval. I contacted all senators. I hired 5 lawyers.
I contacted this law school, No one cares. 5 years later, how many similar events occurred, by this one cop? 2 cops? 3 cops? A entire police force? Every department in the entire village? Every village, every cop in the county? Every county in the State? Every state in the United States?

To all foreign visitors Welcome to every day life in America.
How come, obstruction of justice, a cover up, perjury, false documents, organized crime, terrorism, bribery, is not a equal opportunity punishment crime? Written law in reality meanswhat? Ethics or a judicial cannon means nothing to a lot of people.

My lawyer (the mayors brother), knew that the Palatine cop's report was false and that the cop's testimony was perjury. My Lawyer (the mayors brother) aided in the obstruction of justice. Mayor Mullins, Mayor Tatooles, Mayor Schwnatz got my "email", along with 5,500? others.

My lawyer was a judge Scotillo's law bar president. The judge ruled his x bar president, mayors brother, incompetent. Must have been part of the game. To look look important. If the judge rules a lawyer incompetent (before the trial began), I would think, I should have the right to get a lawyer that was competent. But it don't work that way, it's all a game playedon saps like you and me.

The office of the Cook County States attorney's office (Dick Devine), prosecutor Chandra and co prosecutor Andre, new before hand, the cops testimony was perjury and the police report was false. Did they all lie and mis led the grand jury?

I hired, lawyer # 1, (x president of the judges law bar, mayors brother), lawyer # 2 (governor of the judges law bar), lawyer #3 (maybe he is not a governor?), Lawyers # 4 and 5 (to do the appeal), lawyer # 6. None of them could tell Scotillo nor the mayors brother, nor the prosecutor, nor the cop, that they have made a mockery out of the criminal justice system. Or say, they should be ashamed of them selfs. They created a "you owe me" Scotillo. BesidesAlveraz is the matriarch of the Chicago bar and Scatillo's wife the matriarch of her law bar. If the judge tells you to threw a case or your not going to practice law, I guess a sleaze ball lawyer, has to obey.

I contacted every federal judge down town, every lawprofessor in Illinois, no body cares, but me? The law has no respect for the law. The government has no respect for the government.

The cops were high on drugs during court, or plain & simple, knew there were no penalties for his criminal conduct. The appellate court praised Scotillo for praising a cop (Wenrich) that lied to his face...... who's the fool?

The cop didn't know the color of my car, the road he's on, the town he's in, higher than a kite. All the other cops went along with it. Hunter was sitting right next to him (top state DUI cop, but could not tell Wenrich was tripping out of his mind, the surveillance video should prove this (I told Tatooles, but he didn't care). The shift commander? is now the Chief of Inverness. The chief I think was the one who's kid torturedsome one, into a false confession with Alveraz, Madigan, the mayor, village council, council of the council, village manager approval, shoot, it seems with every ones approval. Authorized human right violations. Obama and Durbin, didn't say any thing, i guess it's OK with them. Does it not make them accessories to torture? Madigan and the mayor of Palatine are for sale, call it a campaign contribution or a consulting fee. Blogo talks about it and goes to jail. Like I said in a post, blago should have beenMayor of Palatine.

I think email about a cover-up and obstruction of justice adds federal crimes, to the whole mix. But then, I contacted theFBI, they don't care also.

One of the village council members emailed me and said he don't like my blogs..... not going to change a thing, but don't like my blogs, same with the manager there has been email between the manager and village council. There were a few other return communications. with in the 5,500 emails.

a few visitors came from
this site and this site and this site

5 years go by, nothing changed, except more lies, false documents and perjury, if this ain't terrorism, organized crime, than what is? The Gov and his crime commission are accessories. Senator Obama nor Durbin cares, nor the 98 others. I contacted them all.

Just think, this crap, goes on every day, day in and day out, non stop. The damage to our society, our nation, the world, is incompressible. You think the village manager is clean?

I think it's important to be honest, truthful, respectful, to know right and wrong, to be kind to others, neighborly and helping others is a good thing. It seem, I'm just about the only one that thinks this way and I will keep thinking this way. Just because every one else is a crook, has no morals, dishonest, that don't mean I have to be or, the next guy.

This nonstop corruption of law, will be the death of the very society, which law is to protect. If you ask me, this is terrorism, organized crime.

What does a person do, to report a crime? Contact a cop? Contact the village council? Call the mayor? Contact theCounty states attorney? Contact a judge? Contact a federal judge? Contact the attorney general? Contact the gov? Contact a law school? Contact the senators? Contact the FBI?I CONTACTED THEM ALL and nothing. Most every thing I blog about is public information. You don't need to be a rocket scientist for the rest. A dirt bag is a dirt bag, Plain and simple.

The Palatine Police must have arrested 20,000 or more, people since my arrest. With village, prosecutors, and judicial approval of this disgraceful conduct, I wounder how many other crooked trials, perjured testimony? Just because a cop, States attorney and judge may choose to lie in court, it still don't make it right,

to the the following teachers of law, but not limited to

University of Illinois College of law

Ruth Aguilera, Amitai Aviram, Steven Beckett, George Bell, Francis Boyle, Ralph Brubaker, John Colombo, John Cribbett, Leon Dash, William Davey, Margareth Etienne, Christopher Fennell, Matthew Finkin, Miranda Fleischer, Victor Fleisher, Eric Freyfogle, Amy Gajda, Nuno Garoupa, Cynthea Geerdes, Krisina Gunsalus, Daniel W Hamilton, Glenn Hoetker, Peter Nardulli, Andrew Morriss, Shannon Moritz, Michael Moore, David Meyer, John McCord, Ann-Maris, Marshall, Peter Maggs, Michael LeRoy, Andrew Leipold, Robert Lawless, Wayne LaFave, Harry Krause, Ellen Kordik, Jay Kesan, Patrick, Keenan, Richard Kaplan, Janis Johnston, David Hyman, Christine Hurt, Heidi Hurd, Frederick Hoxie, Leslie Reagan, Lauri Reynolds, Larry Ribstein, Robert Rich, Jennifer Robbennolt, Jacqueline Ross, Richard Ross, Jamelle Sharpe, Nicola Sharpe, Bruce Smith, Laurence Solum, Paul Stancil, Victor Stone, Charles Tabb, Nina Tarr, Charles Terry, Suja Thomas, Thomas Ulen, Cynthia Williams

Visiting Faculty

Anderson, Sean
Benson, Sara
Buccafusco, Christopher
Burkstrand-Reid, Beth
Cabanellas, Guillermo
Cohn, Lynn
Desai, Anuj

Ginsburg, Tom
Hadfield, Victoria
Hans, Valerie
Harris, Steven
Lauer, Susan
Leach, Eric D.
Leslie, Christopher

O'Melinn, Liam
Porter, Katherine
Wildermuth, Amy
Yin, Tung
Yockey, Joseph

Adjunct Faculty

Adamski, Gregory
Ansel, Marc
Aronson, Sari Gilman
Bailie, David
Barich, Joseph
Beaumont, Lawrence
Berkson, Stuart
Bernthal, David G.
Bisbikis, John
Black, Todd
Blockman, Arnold
Bonds, Bruce
Bruce, Devon
Conti, Karen
Feuille, Peter
Filler, Ronald
Fischer, Karla
Geiler, Lorna
Hastings, Laura
Hawkins, Brent

Hellner, Mark
Holderman, Chief Judge James
Holderman, Paula Hudson
Jeckel, Lawrence
Kanis, Christopher
Kelley, John
Kennedy, Daniel
Knauss, Darilynn
Kording, Scott
Kuenning, Matt
Ladd, Judge Heidi
Lamont, Thomas
Manning, Claire
McDonald, Ward
Meier, Cheryl
Meirelles, Jose Carlos
Melbinger, Michael
Monfort, Renée
Mool, Deanna
Newman, Glenn

Pahre, Jennifer
Pea, Janice
Poulos, Nicholas
Pratt-Clarke, Menah
Rhoads, Dean
Rhode, Robert
Rowan, Judith
Sanchez, Judge Esteban
Sharpe, Robert
Steigmann, Judge Robert
Sternstein, Allan J.
Sutkowski, Edward
Uhlenhop, Paul
Van Hagey, William
Winkel, Richard
Wise, Michael
Yabe, Kozo
Yuhas, Daniel

End of University of Illinois College of law
How could Palatine Police officer Jonathan

Hunter, administer a breath test

while right next to him is the

officer, Wenrich

who was

ripped out of his hallucinating

Both sitting at the same desk,

for about 2 hours.

Hunter probably saw Palatine cops hallucinating on the job and thought nothing of it.

This would kind of spoil all of

officer Hunter's credibility

the credibility of the village of Palatine.

What if I said I never blew........ hahahahahah, not going to tell a lie, but.. how far will this cover up go? A video tap reviewed by a expert drug witness, could explain or not Wenrich's hallucinating and Hunter ignoring this condition.

The village would have to produce a video tape, then we could examine Wenrich's and Hunters behavior and condition, as he is filling out the misleading, factually incorrect police report.

If I were to sue the Village of Palatine and or the Police officers, for let's say $100 million. I think the police department would straighten up quickly.
I told Tatooles about this and to get the video tapes and you can see what I mean. Tatooles was not interested. Hunter and Wenrich did not say more than a couple of things during the 2 hour or so at the desk.

Why do state prosecutors and judges praise and honor these type of people is beyond me.

Until this crap that makes no sense stops, nothing good will come out of it, it's like throwing gas on fire.


Hunter must have some type of problem also?

I think this makes Hunter un fit to be a police officer or much of any thing else, under the current situation, without some type therapy or treatment.

Also this makes a life time of Hunter's testimony and arrests suspect to fraudulent representation.