Question) How many times do you think immigration (confirmation # CHI-09-25526) said yesterday, this bartender in Palatine, can do the following things to his wife? rape, beat, punch, force oral sex, abuse, threaten her, to have the police take her away, threaten to her, to have immigration take her away and be deported, threaten to beat and punch her more, additional intimation, humiliate, have arrested, beat more, makes her work 3 jobs, takes her pay checks, forces her to clean the apartment, wash his cloths, cooks his meals, brings other women over to the apartment, sleeps, have sex, get drunk, parties with them, takes his wife's keys, locks her out of their apartment (both names on lease), into the cold, makes her sleep in her car, makes her wait in the car or a street corner, until he's finished, makes her walk to work, makes her pay all the bills, support him, give him spending money, denies her access to her religion and threatens to kill her if she says any thing to any one? Before he can have her legally deported, conditional green card revoked?
Answer) "As many times as he wants. He is American citizen / she is not, we believe him not her. She has no rights in this country". The legal Assistance Foundation 2 blocks away, agreed, with the immigration officer (I was not allowed, to be apart of that meeting).
Beat her almost to death, for refusal of anal sex or oral sex. Deport her, with any sexually transmitted disease, HIV, a broken neck, leg, arm, maybe a eye socket or 2. Its a he said, she said, he has rights, she don't.
God, I think, in any religion gave every one the same equal rights. But Immigration and the American government says otherwise.
Nobody seems to care what a drunken man that weighs 150 pounds more than a 100 pound woman can do in a fit of rage.
The reality of The American way.
The basic human rights, of dignity, respect and worth are not a option. These are the cold hard facts. I think there is a major, problem, nobody cares other than a little lip service.
This woman 5', 100 pounds, was in a State university at 14, received her degrees at 18 (Harper College said the are equivalent of Bachelors degrees), Speak fluent (degreed in) 4 languages (Russian, Turkish, German and English), she can communicate, conduct a conversation in Spanish and French also. Has additional degrees in fine arts. Had teaching certificate at 19, was teaching at 20. Now as a battered and abused spouse of a American citizen, she has no rights as a human being, as a legal immigrant. Beaten, raped and humiliated every day is legal in the USA, Palatine, Illinois. This is the Law of the United States Government and there is nothing any one can do about it. She is scared, terrorized, afraid, alone and help less. I try to help. I had tears in my eye, yesterday. The worst days of her life was to come to this country. Now she is a slave, she don't know if and when her husband will murder her, today, tonight, tomorrow. When the police or immigration will take her away. She pays taxes, keeps quite or else, she is a broken women that wouldn't hurt a fly, her heart was riped out of her, trashed and it's legal. She has been married for 18 months to this creep.
.Welcome TO the real USA.
Foot note) What is she going to do? Call a Palatine cop? That has the blessing of the Village council, Village manager, Judge Scotillo (and his law bar), his boss, the attorney general, Madigan, Alveraz (and her law bar), every law proffessor in Illinois, every federal judge down town, the crime commission with the Gov, every senator in this country, the president of USA (his office contacted as senator), for a Palatine cop to alter, manipulate, provide a false report, to lie, perjure, obstruct, cover up. Let's not forget Baker.
Heck the police chiefs kid admitted to extracting a false confession (torture?, how else to you extract a false statement from some one?). Haas (the police chief of Inverness) was helping, cleaning up the mess? Then there's the $125k and Tatooles (fishy to me).
Maybe the cop she would or could call, or the cop sent over to protect her, is taking the photo?
Maybe one of the cops (more than once), that mauled down a pedestrian (on more than one occasion), in town, was leaving this bar or on their way to.
There is no justice, justice has been re named the boys club, organized crime, home grown terrorist with a badge.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism
You think mayor Schwantz is running a tab at this place also? For the good ole boys? Maybe one of the council members are on the other side of the bar.
Where you got Schwantz, you got Mullins and Tatooles and the 3500 other people I contacted for help. No one gives a shit, no one cares........ but me, I care.
How many cops do you think are behind the camera, falling off the bar stools with their pants down to their ankle, riped out of their tree? How many unmarked squad cars out side? Did he call em and tell em, I got some hot chicks ready to go or was this a regular night for the boys?
We stopped by John's place talked to Helaina, she said you got to call him up, do what ever he wants and after it's all over, when he's done with you, maybe he will let you stay in this country, maybe not. This is the only choice you have.
She called this creep, using my phone, begging him, she would give him any thing, do anything he wants, but, please don't f..k up my life, she's sorry. He said Fuc* you, bitch and hung up the phone. I could not believe my ears.
This is a good, honest, women, makes my blogs seem so insignificant.
I let scum bags, know they are scum bags, I let the good know they are good.