which one is his wife?
tired, a very tuff day, Immigration letting her know, her life is not even worth spit
Schwantz and his goon squad of cops
.Honor or Honour (see spelling differences), (from the Latin word honos, honoris) is the evaluation of a person's trustworthiness and social status based on that individual's espousals and actions. Honour is deemed exactly what determines a person's character: whether or not the person reflects honesty, respect, integrity, or fairness. Accordingly, individuals are assigned worth and stature based on the harmony of their actions, code of honour, and that of the societyat large. Honour can be analysed as a relativistic concept, i.e., conflicts between individuals and even cultures arising as a consequence of material circumstance and ambition, rather than fundamental differences in principle. Alternatively, it can be viewed as nativist — that honour is as real to the human condition as love, and likewise derives from the formative personal bonds that establish one's personal dignity and character..
a lost cause
catch a cop, in a, rape, murder, bribe, dealing drugs, any thing, like I did, report it, only to have a cover up of biblical proportions and have Illinois Attorney General Madigan, Cook County State Attorney Alvarez, the judicary, Senator Burris and Durbin's approval (about 4k other also).
A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and
Independence of the Judiciary
you got to be kidding me, not here with Scotillo
A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance
of Impropriety in All of the Judge's Activities
you got to be kidding me, not here with Scotillo
A Judge Should Perform the Duties of Judicial
Office Impartially and Diligently
you got to be kidding me, not here with Scotillo
A Judge May Engage in Activities to Improve the Law,
the Legal System, and the Administration of Justice
you got to be kidding me, not here with Scotillo
A Judge Should Regulate His or Her Extrajudicial Activities
to Minimize the Risk of Conflict With the Judge's
Judicial Duties
Nonjudicial Compensation and Annual
Statement of Economic Interests
A Judge or Judicial Candidate Shall Refrain
From Inappropriate Political Activity
not here with Scotillo.....NWSBA member When Tatooles was president? Tatooles brother mayor? Tatooles running for elected office?
how could I make such statements, blogs, while I was property ofScotillo? a dog, on a Scotillo leash?
I think a 5th grader could prove my case to a jury
where is the honor in obstructing justice?
rules of professional conduct of 2010
Schwantz takes charge of malarkey, public dishonesty and deception
. .“Patent Malarkey”: Public Dishonesty and Deception:
It seemed like Jerry Bratcher had it made. As chief of Police, his salary was $80,000 a year, and he oversaw an 80-man department ranked as one of the best in the country. He had set up lucrative outside consulting businesses analyzing other suburban police departments. And the taxpayers were paying for his drinks, lunches and dinners. No one would question any of it since he had also become a consultant to Micro Aseptic—run by the three village trustees who also ran the police and fire committee. That, together with his strong personal relationship with Mayor Rita Mullins, compromised any real oversight of the Palatine Police Department by the village government. It was all carefully hidden from the taxpayers in a maze of governmental paper buttressed by a village government who fought any citizen attempt to access these financial records.
Jerry Bratcher had created his own Feudal kingdom in Palatine.
Sure, there were a few underlying problems. His consulting and Micro Aseptic sales both depended heavily on the the goodwill of other suburban chiefs. So he had to constantlystroke them while at the same time hiding from them the true nature and extent of his business dealings and how they might affect the other chiefs. While bragging about the academic achievements of his men, he failed to mention he hired five or six chief’s kids — including his own. He also failed to mention he lost $125,000 in an Ponzi scheme which traded commodities.
Bratcher’s kingdom rested on a fragile foundation. He became a prisoner of his own propaganda. He had to constantly exaggerate and puff his own accomplishments and those of his police force to keep his outside business interests rolling. Thus, Bratcher pushed membership in the Northwest Police Academy (NWPA), argued for CALEA accreditation, and promoted the use of the Northern Illinois Police Crime Lab (NIPCL). He couldn’t stop making his sales pitch.
Bratcher also became a prisoner of his own sales pitch.
Bratcher ingratiated himself with his fellow chiefs and promoted his business interests at the same time. The chiefs provided a potential market of more than 100 suburban police forces to which he could offer his consulting services or sell his line of Micro Aseptic products, which could provide everything for a police department from soap to special shoes. Bratcher founded the NWPA, a forum which enhanced the international reputation of the Palatine Force and himself. He later used the academy to branch out into politics endorsing his friend Jack O’Malley. Indeed, Bratcher had employed a full-time PR person for his small-time Police Department. Additionally, the sons of various police chiefs were employed by the Palatine Police Department.
It was working. Eventually, Good Housekeeping magazine would cite the Palatine Police Department as one of the 10 best in the nation. On paper, Bratcher had a superior department. Palatine was not just the normal, under-equipped suburban police force. Many chiefs told us the crime at Brown’s Chicken and Pasta on January 8, 1993 was a terrible tragedy. But “thank God it happened in Palatine.” They knew Bratcher worked with CALEA, which certified suburban police departments, but were unaware that his CALEA connection was at the heart of the Good Housekeeping ranking.
Jerry Bratcher had carefully constructed a house of cards. It was held together by the spiderweb of personal relationships he had built with other chiefs and with the village government. An unsuspecting media and citizenry stood by, never noticing the personal stakes Bratcher had invested with the mayor, village board, and state’s attorney’s office. No one ever questioned any of them about their objectivity or the inevitable conflicts which grew out of these relationships. No one questioned any of them about their non-governmental business. Bratcher was employed as a consultant by three of the village trustees who ran Micro Aseptic.Because of his business relationships with the trustees and his long personal relationship with the mayor, he had effectively neutralized anyone who would be in a position to question his conduct. That connection which James Madison and Thomas Jefferson thought crucial—between the citizens and their elected representatives and “employees”—was crushed. .
. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bratcher also receives payments for services from Micro Aseptic, making at least $5,000 in consulting fees in 1995 alone. Bratcher used his considerable reputation and economic clout to help Micro Aseptic sell products to other police chiefs. In one instance, Bratcher used the NWPA as a platform to introduce Micro Aseptic’s products and services. As he had at other occasions, Bratcher introduced Jack Wagner of Micro Aseptic as an expert in combating blood-borne pathogens. He vouched for Micro Aseptic’s integrity and effectiveness. However, he did not reveal his continuing economic relationship with the company.
At the time, Micro Aseptic was owned and operated by two of Palatine’s trustees: Jack Wagner and Gregory Solberg.Wagner also chairs the public safety committee of the village board, which oversees the Palatine Police Department.The public safety committee sets salaries, approves budgets and monitors the department’s performance. Chief Bratcher’s department—along with the Lincolnwood PD—appeared in a 17-minute “police training” tape, which was essentially an infomercial for Micro Aseptic products. The tape credits the NWPA for help in production. (Note: In 1994, Bratcher served as a paid consultant for Lincolnwood as they searched for a new chief.) This is an apparent violation of Palatine’s ethics ordinance which prohibits, “use of village equipment, material or property for personal ... profit.”
Interestingly, Micro Aseptic was chosen to clean up the crime scene at Brown’s. Wager maintains that the products were provided at no charge as a public service. Skeptics have suggested that it was done for publicity. http://www.ipsn.org/bga1.htm
--------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
. December 2006
Jack Wagner, B.Sc., BPH
Director, Scientific, Technical & Regulatory Affairs
Micro-Scientific Industries Inc
1225 Carnegie St - #101
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 USA
Telephone: - 1-888-253-2536
FAX: 1-847-454-0837
Email: jwagner@opticide.com .
. http://palatine-jack-wagner.blogspot.com/ .
.This is, just one example, of why Palatine will not allow out side investigations.
This town's corruption has the approval of;
Illinois gov Quinn
Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan
Cook County State's Attorney Alvarez
All the Federal judges at the Northern District building
All the chief judges in Cook County
1 or more supreme court justice
about 500 other judges I contacted
the legislative branch in Springfield
Senator Burris
Senator Divine
every law professor, faculty member of every law school in Illinois
and about 4500 others
.With all of this approval, backing, it's still, up to a person's own integrity, moral belief and convictions to decide, free will to choose. Nobody is twisting any one's arm to be good or bad.
. catch a cop, in a, rape, murder, bribe, dealing drugs, any thing, like I did, report it, only to have a cover up of biblical proportion.
I am sorry to say, no matter how you look at it, .My emails prove USA is a ethically corrupt Village and much larger a whole society. A large element in our society is, above the law. Little hope for a change.
.An entire society can become ethically corrupt. Nazi Germany is a good example of a morally corrupt society.
http://www.scu.edu/ethics/practicing/decision/whatisethics.html .
Mayor Schwantz, a use to be NFL player. I wounder if the NFL support or teach this crap?
The newly elected Schwantz, has shown nothing, I wasn't expecting. To me, he looks like, just another elected thug. I always wanted to know what life after foot ball was like. Maybe and likely, his fan club is all for this also, but I ain't. . .
A look at the trial I blog about, may make him puke his guts out.
Criminal misconduct, in my trial alone, the government would have to build a new prison.
In Sen. Ted Stevens case, justice system failed
Among the many ways justice can be frustrated, even corrupted, prosecutorial misconduct ranks among the worst. Not only can it send innocent defendants to prison, but it robs the system of something fundamental -- public trust.
That's what transpired in the conviction last fall of Ted Stevens, then a Republican U.S. Senator from Alaska, and led U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to ask last week that the conviction be tossed out.
But that's not enough. The Bush Justice Department prosecutors who withheld evidence from Stevens' attorneys that might have exonerated him must be called to account.
This is not a case where prosecutors can credibly claim an innocent mistake or oversight. The evidence withheld involved interview statements by the prosecution's key witness against Stevens that differed sharply from his sworn testimony at trial.
It was classic cross-examination material -- and Justice Department lawyers made sure Stevens lawyers never heard it.
From the start, the prosecutors' conduct seems unprofessional, even reprehensible. Federal Judge Emmet G. Sullivan repeatedly chastised them for hiding potentially exculpatory information. At one point, he almost declared a mistrial, and later cited two prosecutors for contempt for refusing to deliver documents he had demanded.
Few public officials possess more power for good or evil than prosecutors -- county, state or federal. A prosecutor can, as the cliche has it, "indict a ham sandwich."
At the same time, the office is regularly a stepping stone to promotions or even to higher elective office, and thus carries the temptation to amass a conviction record, even at a cost to defendant's rights. Something like that seems to have driven Stevens' prosecutors.
Holder has promised a full examination of the Stevens prosecutors' conduct, presumably with prosecution if warranted. Nothing less will do. http://blog.nj.com/njv_editorial_page/2009/04/in_sen_ted_stevens_case_justic.htmlILL attorney general madigan, aids, endorses, encourages, corruption, obstruction of justice, perjury, false court documents, hidden agenda
Alvarez aids, endorses, encourages covers ups, obstructs justice for Palatine, add Scotillo's corrupt law bar, you got one wicked town
Another of a lawyer king pin....Queen pin, who has no respect of any of the oaths she has taken, no respect the the law, just don't give a hoot
Officer Wenrich knew his report was wrong, he was out of it that evening, along with his fellow arresting officers, his testimony would be false (perjury).
My defense lawyer (# 1 of 5) (the mayor's brother) knew Wenrich'sreport was false and that Wenrich's testimony would be false, perjury.
Scotillo, knew all of this also and must have said, something like, don't worry, who cares? We'll nail this suckers ass, regardless, lets play ball,,,,, oh,,,,, what ever Wenrich was on that night, must have beenpretty good, tell him to get me some.
Now we get into Chief Bratcher opportunity for some free money.
Why did Tatooles really, want to give $120k? I say because Bratcherknew that Tatooles was involved in obstruction of justice, (because one of Bratchers flunky's) and probably some other things. Bratcher, was going to arrest a Tatooles, unless Tatooles coughed up some money. So they schemed up this plan to for Inverness to pay Bratcher for a report, to recommend another Bratcher's stooges for the top cop inInverness. The saps on the Inverness village council, will play right along. Bratcher probably tapped Haas for a finder fee, and why stop there, probably did the same to Chandra and Andre, maybe extorted money from Scotillo, who knows? I would bet there is a easy $1/2 million bucks Bratcher pocked, cause Wenrich and others were out of their mind, hallucinating that night when he pulled me over and the cover up that followed.
So Alvarez has gone along, it her turn, to play cover up, obstruct justice, you name it, she is the top dog of a highly trained organized crime operation. This is all her choice, all her education, diplomas, degrees, mean nothing other than a waste of money, she is just a common thug, that is the top of organized crime, the Cook County States Attorney's office, in a high place...........you know what they say, the higher you are, the harder the fall.